A Letter from the Editors

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Revolutionizing Education: a Journal of Education Policy and Practice (RE). We are honored and excited to introduce this pioneering, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that seeks to illuminate, disrupt and reimagine the role of education in shaping a more just and equitable world. Given the political context, now more than ever we need to build solidarity and address educational injustice. 

At RE, we understand education as a powerful tool for liberation. We believe that education must be a dynamic force for challenging entrenched inequities — whether they be racial, gendered, economic, ableist, or rooted in other systems of power and oppression. Our mission is to create a platform that prioritizes scholarship that amplifies voices often marginalized in academic and educational spaces, and that advocates for transformative practices designed to dismantle harmful power structures.

In this journal, we welcome research from a diverse array of disciplines and methodologies, spanning the full spectrum of educational contexts from prekindergarten to higher education. We aim to foster a community of scholars, educators, activists and practitioners who share a commitment to social justice and educational equity.

We invite you to join us in this collective work by submitting your work and/or joining our team of reviewers. Submissions will open on March 1.

Thank you for being a part of this important and timely initiative. Together, we can contribute to the reshaping of educational landscapes. 

We look forward to sharing this journey with you.


The Editorial Team

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