
Revolutionizing Education is a Journal of Education Policy & Practice is the official journal of the Massachusetts Teachers Association (https://massteacher.org). The open-access journal is dedicated to advancing education policy and practice in Massachusetts. Our journal prioritizes innovative research that challenges entrenched inequities within education, amplifies voices often marginalized, advocates for transformative practices that dismantle power hierarchies, and understands education as a tool for liberation rather than the reproduction of inequality. We welcome scholarship from diverse disciplines, multiple methodologies, and topics covering prekindergarten to higher education.

We welcome scholarship from diverse disciplines, multiple methodologies, and topics covering prekindergarten to higher education, including 

  • The history of education union organizing
  • Labor education practices and approaches
  • The charter school movement
  • High-stakes testing and alternatives
  • Educator labor, political trends, and the evolving economy
  • Political, economic, and social context of education in the state
  • The politics of school finance and the economics of education
  • Participatory budgeting
  • Full-service community schools
  • Public policy and its intersection with educational policy & practice
  • Curriculum & instruction
  • Trends in education privatization
  • Local and state school and higher education institution governance and finance
  • Privatization in public higher education

The Journal also accepts:  

  • Reviews of relevant books, films, and curricula.
  • Reflective pieces on pressing topics in education  

We encourage submissions from a diverse range of voices and backgrounds, especially those who have been historically underrepresented in education research. By amplifying these perspectives, we aim to foster a richer understanding of the challenges and opportunities in education policy and practice.